The Prayer Ministry for our children, youth, and college students is beginning its fifth year. This ministry pairs church members and worshippers with young people to lift them up in prayer throughout the year.
Parents who would like to be a part of the Prayer Ministry by having a church member pray for their child(ren) complete the Parent Consent Form. Please return it to the Connect Table or email it to the church office. You do not need to complete a new form if your family is already involved.
Church members are needed to participate in the Prayer Ministry so all our children will have someone to pray for them. If you would like to become part of the Prayer Ministry by praying for a child and by mailing a card each month, please complete the I Will Pray Form. Please return it to the Connect Table or email it to the church office. You do not need to complete a new form to continue in this ministry.
Forms will also be at the Connect Table. Use the form below to contact us with questions.